Article by:
Switzerland based
graphic designer,
blogger, life lover
but above all a
fashion enthusiast.
Her Blog:
““Fashion blogs are the biggest
[bs,]” Vice headlined bold last
summer and caused a storm of protest
within the German speaking blogosphere.
Now, almost one year later, I stumble over
two more critical posts. But this time written by
(ex) fashion bloggers themselves. So, does the
world need fashion blogs?
I wrote my first blog for almost three years –
you knew me as Beware Of My Heels back
then – until I quit. But then, two years ago I
began anew and ever since I write, photograph
and post. Frequently. Does the world need it?
No! No, it definitely doesn’t! I won’t deny and I
won’t search for any far-fetched reasons. I
neither save human life nor do I change the
world in a big way. I am aware of that. And
maybe I am wasting my time while typing these
words, while shooting a photo series with a
mega brand in Paris, while sipping my glass of
champagne at event XY and while working out
a new collaboration with another brand. Instead
I should rather go [save] the world.
But I’m still sitting here, writing these lines.
Wasting my time for something, that the world
doesn’t really need. But lets be honest, there are
a lot of things that the world doesn’t need and
still humans have the feeling – or even the urge –
to use and have these things. We neither need
cars, nor overpriced Chanel bags, nor
smartphones, nor wellness hotels. We also don’t
need 1473 different tooth paste options and no
newspaper. We don’t need Vice. We could live
without washers, without showers and without
toilets. In fact people in the past were able to live
without any of these things and it worked. Maybe
this is a dumb comparison in someone’s eyes. [Or]
[m]aybe just another waste of time.”