EVOLUTION is pure genius Not only does his clever categorization within his line add to his charismatic and unique approach to fashion, but it added to the ease of classification. With every item carefully labeled, identified and categorized, the individual items in the collection are located quickly and with ease. Within the three domains, as well, the items are further classified into families, genera, and individual species. For example, purses and handbags could be found in, say, the family Pursidae, with purses being of the genus Pursia, handbags of the genus Handbagia, and clutches of the genus Clutchia. It's kind of dorky, but I like it, and fans of EVOLUTION seem to too, for Life on Earth has been selling for nearly fifty years now, with sales increasing exponentially.
And particularily by looking at some of the early items in the collection, you can clearly trace the evolution of... EVOLUTION.