Vogue Jun. 2013 | Page 15

He said not a word about his idea to his wife until they had returned home and he had created a decent sketch . The simple organic shirt soon replicated and multiplied , and he filled an entire sketchbook with drawings of various similar simple shirts . Later , Azie would look back upon these first items in his clothing line and fondly dub them the “ nucleotides ” of Life on Earth , for they formed the building blocks of his collection . He had built a solid foundation , so Azie decided it was time to let his wife in on his little secret .
Chemmy was delighted at idea , and it was she who proposed the name “ EVOLUTION ,” and eagerly took on the name Chemmy Kal EVOLUTION in return . With her help , Azie ( now EVOLUTION ) line was transformed from nonlife to life . His simple replicated “ nucleotides ” evolved into dresses and skirts and other pieces a bit more complex . The ideas were flowing like crazy now and as Azie rushed to put all of them on paper , he would slip up here and there , mutating some of his creations as he went along . But EVOLUTION had a more careful hand . Determined to create a career for himself in the fashion world , EVOLUTION selected only the pieces he felt would be fit for sale . It was then these pieces that he would wrap in cellophane ( or as he liked to call it , cell membrane-ophane ) and ship to retailers .
world of Vogue has actually propelled his career in the world of science ; it helps him explain how life actually did originate on the earth .
Life , he explains , arose in five steps .
One , simple organic molecules ( nucleotides ) formed .
Two , replicating molecules evolved and began to undergo natural selection .
Three , these replicating molecules became enclosed within a cell membrane .
Four , some cells evolved metabolic processes .
And five , multicellularity evolved . Can you see the correlation ?
He is grateful today for having selected the honeymoon destination that he did , for had it not been for his time spent in the Eoarchean hydrothermal vents , he may not have had his initial idea . Today , the “ original blouse ” is one of his hottest items , for it was the original blouse , Azie claims , that was the single origin of Life on Earth .
Gradually , through tedious work and tremendous patience , EVOLUTION ’ S Life on Earth became widely popular . His collection expanded over time , and his items got more complex . And thanks to his dear Chemmy Kal EVOLUTIOIN , every item had life and every piece was functional as well as beautiful .
Today , the man responsible for Life on Earth not only designs haute couture as EVOLUTION , but also teaches high school biology as Professor Richard Neal Azie . He is no longer embarassed to admit his “ passion for fashion ” as he was as a boy , for his career in the

Life on Earth has a single origin

15 VOGUE JUNE 2013