Vogue 3 | Page 23

PACK HIS FAVORITE TREAT - Buy his favorite candy bar or other treat, and pack it in his lunch with a love note

TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE - The future isn't as far away as it seems sometimes. Talk about where you'd like to be when you're married 50 years, and work on making those dreams happen.

TAKE A BUBBLE BATH TOGETHER - This is self-explanatory.

GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT Don't jump to conclusions if your husband has said or done something questionable. Give him the chance to explain before you pass judgement.

SAY, "I'M SORRY" - Although you may not want to admit it, there will be times when you're in the wrong. Maybe you've said something hurtful or done something insensitive. Never have too much pride to tell him you're sorry.

KEEP YOUR PROMISES - If you told your husband you'd do something, make sure that you follow through

MAKE YOUR BEDROOM A LOVER'S PARADISE - Turn your ordinary bedroom into any lover's dream without a lot of expense. Remove clutter and anything that doesn't belong, and replace it with scented candles and fresh flowers. Hang pretty curtains and find some comfy bedding. Place mirrors to reflect candlelight, and misting fountains for a romantic effect.

GIVE HIM A MASSAGE Go buy some sweet smelling oils and turn your bedroom into a spa! Give your husband a full body massage and work out those aching muscles.

PUT A SIGN IN YOUR YARD - Place a sign in your yard such as, "THE WORLD'S GREATEST HUSBAND LIVES HERE." Let everyone know how special your husband is to you.