VMCHS Alumni Newsletter October 2013

Volume 2•Number 1•October 2013 FAITH • ACADEMICS • SERVICE Alumni Newsletter SCOTS WELCOME 59 FRESHMEN ! On August 15, 2013, 59 new students arrived to what will be their home for the next four years. They had orientation the Thursday before officially starting school. In their meeting they were welcomed by our principal, Sister Lupita Hernandez, and all the staff. They were invited to join different sports like football and volleyball and they were told that they were part of the Vincent family now. After the meeting, they were given a tour of the school by the members of our Associated Student Body so that they wouldn’t get lost the first day of school. After that, they received their books, agenda, locker number, and lock. They seemed excited and nervous to start their journey at Vincent Memorial. As a VMCHS family, we give a warm welcome to the 48th class of Vincent Memorial Catholic High School- the class of 2017! In this issue… ? ? ? ? SPORTS PAST EVENTS NEW APPAREL UPCOMING EVENTS “BY FAILING TO PREPARE, YOU ARE PREPARING TO FAIL.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ? 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ? October Issue