VMCHS Alumni Newsletter June 2013 | Page 12

VMCHS family welcomes a new dad : Brian Monreal ’ 89 !
Volume 1 Number 5
525 W . Sheridan Ave Calexico , CA 92231
Phone : ( 760 ) 357 – 3461 Fax : ( 760 ) 357 – 0902
Send us an e mail at development @ vmchs . com and your voice will be heard ! www . vmchs . com

VMCHS family welcomes a new dad : Brian Monreal ’ 89 !

Michelle Paz & Brian Monreal ( 1989 ) said hello to Samantha Ariel Monreal on May 19 , 2013 at 11:19 pm . She weighed 6 lbs 10 ounces and 18 inches ! Congratulations !
The still needs your help ! Many parents are deciding to send their children to another high school because they can ’ t afford it . Please donate TODAY and make a difference in a potential Scot ’ s life . There are 3 ways of donating ! Send a check , call us and securely give us your credit card information , or donate via our website through Paypal !

Vincent Memorial Catholic High School

Volume 1 Number 5

525 W . Sheridan Ave Calexico , CA 92231

Phone : ( 760 ) 357 – 3461 Fax : ( 760 ) 357 – 0902

Until next volume …

This is the last issue of this school year . We will start again fresh in August with a new volume !
Now is the time to tell us what you liked , what you did not like , and what you would like to see in the next issues of the Alumni newsletter . This is written for you , so your input is very important .

Send us an e mail at development @ vmchs . com and your voice will be heard ! www . vmchs . com

Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W . Sheridan , Calexico , CA 92231 ● J Issue