Volume 1 • Number 5 • June 2013
Alumni Newsletter
Graduation date was upon us on May 31 , 2013 . The 48 th VMCHS graduating class walked down Our Lady of Guadalupe Church ’ s aisle to celebrate the end of their high school years and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives : college . Graduates were joined by their family and friends in this special occasion . As tradition dictates , both the valedictorian and the salutatorian spoke at the ceremony . Salutatorian is an academic title given to the second highest graduate of the entire graduating class . The title comes from the salutatorian ' s traditional role as the first speaker at a graduation ceremony , delivering the salutation . This year ’ s salutatorian was Luisa Ramirez . Valedictorians are usually the student with the highest ranking among his or her graduating class . The term is an anglicized derivation of the Latin vale dicere (" to say farewell "), historically rooted in the valedictorian ' s traditional role as the final speaker at the graduation ceremony . The valedictory address generally is considered a final farewell to classmates , before they disperse to pursue their individual paths after graduating . The Valedictorian of the class of 2013 was Jose Ignacio Velarde .
As an alumni association , we congratulate the class of 2013 and welcome them to this select group of men and women who can call Vincent Memorial their alma mater .
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W . Sheridan , Calexico , CA 92231 ● J Issue