VM33 | Page 21

Greater emphasis is needed to communicate evidence of relative harm to smokers so that they can consider all options available to quit smoking completely .

“ popular aid used by people trying to quit smoking . Vaping is positively associated with quitting smoking successfully . In 2017 , over 50,000 smokers stopped smoking with a vaping product who would otherwise have carried on smoking . The extensive use of vaping products in quit attempts compared with licensed medication suggests vaping products may reach more people who smoke and so have more impact . The report said : “ Compared to the 2018 review , there is stronger evidence in this year ’ s report that nicotine vaping products are effective for smoking cessation and reduction . “ Combining vaping products ( the most popular source of support used by people making a quit attempt in the general population ), with stop smoking service support ( the most effective type of support ), should be an option available to all people who want to quit smoking . “ Local authorities should continue to fund and provide stop smoking services and all stop smoking services should have a consistent approach to using vaping products . “ Further research is needed into the barriers and enablers to using vaping products as part of a supported quit attempt in stop smoking services .”

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