In 2007, Nemcor Inc. of Cambridge, On-
tario realized that to enhance their posi-
tion as a supplier to the retail industry,
they would need to further automate their
operations with a new ERP system and
adopt more sophisticated EDI (electronic
data interchange) and data integration ca-
pabilities. As one of Canada’s largest sup-
plier of home textiles, Nemcor had devel-
oped an impressive client list that included
majors such as Costco, Canadian Tire,
Giant Tiger, HBC, Loblaws, Sears, Toys R
Us, Zellers, and Wal-Mart, to name a few.
For over 20 years privately held, Nemcor Inc.
of Cambridge, Ontario has enjoyed a dominant
position in the home furnishing, infant and in-
stitutional textiles market in Canada. Nem-
cor’s operations include design, manufacturing,
sourcing, distribution, and marketing of its co-
ordinated lines through Canadian department
stores, mass merchants, specialty retail stores,
catalogs, and various other distribution chan-
nels including shipping to customers worldwide.
was not possible with built-in solutions.
Nemcor opted to not accept an EDI and
data integration solution recommended
by any particular ERP vendor that was
embedded in the ERP system. They need-
ed a flexible off-the-shelf solution that
would handle growth, the volume of EDI
documents being exchanged long term,
the large number of trading partners, and
would provide the opportunity for con-
tinued integration with their new ERP
system. The solution also needed to han-
dle the growing number of non-ERP in-
tegration requirements, something that
Nemcor chose to implement the Micro-
soft Dynamics Navision ERP system. For
data integration they decided upon a sys-
tem that would meet the EDI demands of
their retail clients, the non EDI data inte-
gration requirements of their other cus-
tomers and, in the process, move goods
to the final destination-the consumers’
hands-faster and more efficiently. The
result was expected to follow the design
intent of Quick Response programs: the
sale of a consumer product generates an