Personally , the best part of convention is definitely the people and the new interactions you get to have . My delegation was disappointed that they could not be as rowdy as they normally are because I was campaigning . And to be honest , a lot of things changed my VJCL experience because I was campaigning . My first testing session was cut short due to me having to attend nom-com . I Christmas tree ’ d my test and walked out of there in about 10 minutes flat . I was going to complain about it until I realized I do that to all of my tests , nomcom or not , so , I wasn ’ t really in a position to say anything ( don ’ t tell my sponsor ). Speaking of nom-com , I think everyone was a little surprised this year when we had that many emergencies and vacancies in the offices . This included a state of emergency for the office of historian , four vacancies in the office of 1st VP , 2nd VP , Secretary , and Editor . This spurred on many people to nominate from the floor , and led me to meet a lot of new people and friends that I probably wouldn ’ t otherwise .
My other favorite part about convention , and the more secretive part , is definitely the goofy moments that are bound to occur when you put hundreds of high schoolers in the same place . If the incessant coughing during testing sessions tell you anything about us , its that we will not be stopped . To campaign , me and my friend walked around the VJCL convention center , stopped random students , and asked them the fatal question - “ Do you like the singer Drake ?” What followed was the worst possible rendition of the song “ Not You Too .” The lyrics go , “ Trust , trust who ? Trust me and I can set you free .” Our genius idea was instead of “ me ” we sang “ Panchami .” All of this to say , the VJCL energy makes us do things that we probably wouldn ’ t do otherwise in the “ real world .” My favorite example of this is probably the engagement between SCLers , Matt Nelson and Kashi Nikore during That ’ s Entertainment . Lastly , lots of people won well deserving awards this year . Check them out in the next few pages ! I can ’ t wait for the next convention , and I hope it was as exhilarating as this time .