VJCL Winter Forum 2024 (6) | Page 27



Here are further readings that were recommended to me through the interview about diversity in the Classics . I personally found these resources insightful and interesting - so I hope you check them out . Happy reading !

On the experiences of Classicists of colour : “ Classics makes me happy . Is that enough ? ”– Helen Wong “ White people explain Classics to us ” – Yung In Chae The vast amount written about and by Prof . Dan-el Padilla Peralta , like the book Autobiography : Undocumented : A Dominican Boy ’ s Odyssey from a Homeless Shelter to the Ivy League and “ Some thoughts on AIA-SCS 2019 ,” which was written in response to racist comments made at a conference panel

For thoughts on how we can improve diversity in Classics : “ Why Students of Color Don ’ t Take Latin ” – John Bracey Why I Teach About Race and Ethnicity in the Classical World – Rebecca Futo Kennedy Fight or Die – Pria Jackson Centering Africa in Greek and Roman Literature , while Decolonising the Classics - Elena Giusti Classroom and Race Theory , Critical Race Theory and the Classics Classroom – Elena Giusti