VJCL Winter Forum 2023 | Page 6




Salvete amici ! I ’ m Abby Cheney , your 2022- 2023 VJCL president ! You probably recognize me from being last years VJCL parliamentarian , or as the person who wore an all purple suit at Convention . I ’ m so excited to be able to serve the VJCL for a second year , and this time as president ! I decided to serve on the board for a second year because I am always in such awe of the dedication , excitement , and nerdiness of the VJCL and I wanted to help continue building and fostering that community , it ’ s hard to find .
The board this year has really taken a focus on increasing VJCL involvement . From committees to events to amazing publications this year we ’ re really working to provide great things for the VJCL . So far as president I ’ ve worked on building communication with my board along with workshopping and developing the projects the officers are working on . I ’ ve also been working on a lot of behind the scenes organization for the VJCL social accounts and getting those ready for us to post on this year .
I ’ m so excited for the year the VJCL has ahead of us and can ’ t wait for all the things we have planned . If you have any ideas , suggestions , or questions please do reach out to me at president @ virginiajcl . org and as always go follow the VJCL Instagram and TikTok @ offcialVJCL for all things VJCL !
Curate , ut valeatis !
~ Abigayle Cheney , 2022-23 VJCL President