1 . Roman heroes exhibit this distinct quality of devotion to one ’ s country , family , and the gods . 2 . What fermented fish sauce , similar to modern-day Worcestershire sauce , was a staple in Roman cuisine ? 3 . What English derivative comes from the white , urinebleached garments worn by politicians in Ancient Rome ? 4 . What was often used to mask foot odor at dinner parties in the ancient world ? 5 . What two-faced Roman god is also the god of doorways ?
1 . In 8 AD Augustus banished this poet from Rome , who famously claimed the cause of his exile to be “ carmen et error .” 2 . In what year did Mt . Vesuvius erupt , destroying the city of Pompeii ? 3 . What movement during the Hellenistic period adapted Greek poetry and strayed away from the traditional Homeric epic ? 4 . In 49 B . C . E ., Julius Caesar famously crossed this stream separating Rome from the province of Gaul . 5 . What emperor commissioned a “ colossal ” statue of himself to be built outside of the Colosseum ?