CURRENT EVENTS ARTICLE Planning for Nationals
Who ' s ready for Nationals !? Your VJCL officers definitely are ! AP exams and SOLs will be over in the blink of an eye , and , before you know it , July will be here .
VJCL officers began planning for nationals at our Spring Council Meeting back in March . The planning was a little impromptu because , unbeknownst to almost everyone in attendance , NJCL had published the convention packet only days before . Regardless , the officers , led by 2nd Vice President Ash Bulmer , got their creativity flowing and began brainstorming ideas for spirit .
After the Spring Council Meeting , Ash created a t-shirt contest and also started working on t-shirt ideas that they had brainstormed themselves . From peaches to eagles to the city of Atlanta itself , the themes for the NJCL spirit days are all sorts of creative and wacky , so Virginia must be , too ! Prepare to show off VJCL ' s passion for Latin ( and superiority over other delegations ) with four funfilled spirit days . Other than Ash , many of the other officers were preoccupied with planning for the weeklong social media takeover in honor of Classics Week . So , to focus our eyes back on the prize , officers met for a slightly less formal virtual meeting on April 22nd , 2023 . At this meeting , officers continued planning for spirit and were able to generate some amazing t-shirt ideas .
All in all , while you may be spending May cramming for finals until midnight , your officers are eagerly planning and brainstorming . On behalf of the VJCL executive board , we are so excited for Nationals , and even more excited to see you there !