VJCL Forum Winter 2020 | Page 3

Cura ut valeas,

Your Editor, Natalie Naylor

Take care that you are well,


Hey, Virginia! (And any other out-of-state JCLers reading this...)

I'm Natalie Naylor, your 2019-2020 VJCL Editor, writing to you in the Winter 2020 edition of the Forum. I'm so excited to be starting my term as VJCL Editor, and even more excited to share the works and stories of other JCLers and myself through the Forum this year! Following my election in late December, I have been working hard to create a publication that not only allows the members of the VJCL to be more informed about events and updates, but also inspires them to become more involved in this organization on a deeper level.

As my love for Latin and the JCL continues to grow, my hope is that I continue to help encourage the love of the Classics and the JCL in other students around me. Through encouraging my peers to try new things like convention and certamen as a middle-schooler, serving as both local CoCo and Parliamentarian (shout out to the Flint Hill delegation!), or serving as VJCL Editor now, my goal has always been to foster the same kind of love I have for Latin and the Classics in those around me.

So, as you read this edition of the Forum, I hope you feel a sense of love for this organization that we are all a part of. My aim through this publication is to inspire passion for the community that is the JCL, a community in which we learn from each other, care for one another, and encourage others close to us to strive for greatness just the same as they do for us. I am looking forward to this great year we have ahead of us, and can't wait for you to read this edition of the Forum (which you're already kind of doing!).

