VJCL Forum Winter 2020 | Page 15

A day at VJCL Convention, Emnet Mekonnen, Flint Hill School

the next event is Test Session 1. The testing sessions happen in the same room

as the Salvete Assembly and usually last an hour and a half.

Tip #5: Bring a clipboard so that you can have a hard surface to write on.

After the first testing session, you can participate in Latin Oratory, which is the same thing as English Oratory, except spoken in Latin. Then, if you’re interested, you can attend the That’s Entertainment auditions if you would like to be a part of it. That’s Entertainment is a talent show that happens at every JCL convention. Now, the fun part; Ludi Frivoli, during Ludi Frivoli, you get to play fun games like Twister and ring toss, but with a classical spin. After all the fun and games, you can (and should) attend a discamus. A discamus is like a lecture on just about anything of classical relevance and there are usually multiple going on at the same time, so choose wisely based on what you’re interested in! There is a wide range of discamus topics, from Roman Astrology to Metamorphoses, so you’re sure to find something you’re interested in. For example, Woojin Kim from Flint Hill School held a discamus last convention all about Certamen and it was a hit among “certamenators” all around VJCL!

of it. That’s Entertainment! is a talent show that happens at every JCL convention. Now, the fun part: Ludi Frivoli, during which, you get to play fun games like Twister and ring toss, but with a classical spin. After all the fun and games, you can (and should) attend a discamus. A discamus is like a lecture on just about anything of classical relevance and there are usually multiple going on at the same time, so choose wisely based on what you’re interested in! There is a wide range of discamus topics, from Roman Astrology to Metamorphoses, so you’re sure to find something you’re interested in. For example, Woojin Kim from Flint Hill School held a discamus last convention all about Certamen and it was a hit among “certamenators” all around VJCL!

Tip #6: Get to the discamus quickly: they often have limits on how many people can attend and are strict about getting there in a timely manner.

After the first discamus session, the lower division costume contests are held. The costume

contest is an artist's call to action, and are open to anyone who would like to try.

Tip #7: Participate in as many contests as possible: you meet more new friends and get to express yourself!

Finally, it’s dinner time; but not just any regular dinner, it’s a Roman banquet with a dress code of togas, stolas, and tunicas. Thankfully, a delightful buffet dinner is provided in the convention center so you don’t have to worry about ordering food. Well, you’ve eaten dinner but the day is still young; after dinner, you can meet the candidates who are running for VJCL office and then there’s another discamus session. Now, a VJCL attendee favorite: roll-call! roll-call is an assembly where each school finds a witty way to say

how many miles they traveled to the VJCL convention, how many JCLers they have, etc. The acts at roll call are ones to remember and you won’t regret going. Next, we have yet another testing session! After the last testing session (of the day), there are even more fun activities like the dance and karaoke until 11:30 pm. Then, after another costume contest and discamus, it’s time for fellowship, which is where you check in with your school right before lights out. And just like that, your first night at VJCL convention is over. Get as much sleep as you can, otherwise you’ll likely find yourself running on caffeine or sugar the entire day. After all, there's plenty more to do once the next day begins! That's right, between voting and officer elections, That's Entertainment!, the Midvete and Valete assemblies, and awards being given out for graphic arts, decathlon, and so much more, there's always something for everyone at VJCL Convention!