You are absolutely not allowed to campaign before the end of the Nominations Committee meeting, which is when the
official candidates for each office are chosen. Between the close of the Nominations Committee meeting and the beginning of voting is the only time frame in which you may campaign. Your delegation is allowed to know in advance that you plan to run for office, but nobody outside your delegation should know.
Forms declaring your intent to run are due to the VJCL Parliamentarian one month before the VJCL convention.
Nominations Committee Meeting:
At this meeting, each prefiled candidate (and
sometimes candidates nominated from the floor) gives a two-minute speech to a group comprised of two delegates from each school. Then, the two official candidates for each position are selected. These candidates can begin campaigning and progress to the next step in the process. N.B.: These voting delegates are likely to care a lot about your qualifications!
gives a two-minute speech to a group comprised of two delegates from each school. Then the two official candidates for each position are selected. These candidates can begin campaigning and progress to the next step in the process. N.B.: These voting delegates are likely to care a lot about your qualifications!
General Assembly:
During the General Assembly on Monday morning, each candidate has three minutes to be introduced by a person of their choosing and give a speech to the entire Convention body. N.B.: The wider VJCL wants to hear about what you’ll do if you’re elected!
of their choosing and give a speech to the entire Convention body. N.B.: The wider VJCL wants to hear about what you’ll do if you’re elected!
Almost immediately after the Monday morning GA, the voting period begins. During this time, candidates are not allowed in the convention lobby. The results are tallied (usually by the VJCL Parliamentarian and State Chairs) and will be announced at the final GA of the convention.
lobby. The results are tallied (by the VJCL Parliamentarian and State Chairs) and will be announced at the final GA of the convention.
I hope this answers any questions you have about the election process and VJCL office! If you have other questions or just want to talk, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Curate ut valeatis!
Written by Ethan Robertson, 2019-2020 VJCL Parliamentarian