VJCL Forum Spring 2020 | Page 10

It was the ___ of _______, 44 BC. ______ Caesar was

heading towards the ______, going to ___________ there

on this sunny and _____ day. When ______ arrived there,

number month first name 1

'place' verb

adjective first name 1

Lucius Tillius ____ was waiting to present a(n) ___ to him.

last name 2 noun

Other Senators like ______ _______ and ______ _______

first name 3 last name 3 first name 4 last name 4

began to surround Caesar, wanting to __________ him.


Suddenly, ______ approached _______ Caesar, holding a

first name 5 same first name 1

_______! Everyone was _______ at the _______ display.

noun emotion adjective

Print them out or fill in the blanks online!


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