Vive Charlie Issue 5 | Page 23

Round one of the galactic jihad goes to the Evil Emperor. Next week in Speech Wars, the Secular Alliance will attempt to expose the Evil Emperor as a facilitator of the even darker side through independent news channels and social media. Will the Emperor buy up shares in these organisations to stop them? Will the even darker side threaten the powers that be with oil price increases and watch them shrink like salted slugs?

Find out next week in Speech Wars episode four.

Commence bombing

run now men. Make sure you target the flying horses and moon cutting swords


that squadron


What news from Planet

Hebdo Admiral Bush?

They are fleeing

and screaming like frightened school

girls Master

Good, good. Now we're

going back to Earth to prevent

the Secular Alliance from revealing

I'm taking bribes from oil barons

to censor the news in

their favour