Vive Charlie Issue 3 | Page 26


Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun:

I heard Sulaiman bin Yasar talking about the clothes soiled with semen. He said that 'Aisha had said, "I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's Apostle and he would go for the prayers while water spots were still visible on them. [27]

Further still;

Narrated 'Aisha:

I used to wash the semen off the clothes of the Prophet and even then I used to notice one or more spots on them. [28]

Due to the constraints of time and space, I am unable to list the entire scope of Muhammad’s perverted and depraved exploits, however, I think it is safe to conclude that he was suffering from this symptom of TLE. I should, as an aside, point out that not all people suffering TLE experience hypersexuality and in no way do I wish to imply that all male sufferers of TLE are necessarily paedophiles, but the evidence does point to a correlation between TLE and paedophilia, and in environments where paedophilia isn’t taboo, this can act as a ‘disinhibiter’ for paedophilic behaviour, as seems to have been the case in Muhammad’s time, but I will return to this issue in a moment.

To conclude our diagnosis of Muhammad, I will give Dr Patrick McNamara the final word on the issue of religious delusions and temporal lobe epilepsy. In his brilliant book, ‘The Neuroscience of Religious Experience’ he says:

There have now been dozens of studies that convincingly demonstrate a link between some forms of TLE and heightened religiosity in some TLE patients. During preictal and ictal states, when seizure activity is building up or commences, the religious symptomology may escalate into delusional states during which the patient claims that he or she is God or has seen God face to face…These patients may be riddled with anxiety and may spend hundreds of hours each week attempting to say a single prayer “correctly.” Or take the case of so-called “demonic possession” states. These patients may become utterly convinced that they are controlled by an evil and alien agent that means them harm. Some patients may be so tortured by the possession experience that the state can be life threatening. [29]

Now that we have established that Muhammad may have

have suffered from a neurological disorder, let’s return to the aforementioned screams of Muslim apologists and Western liberal defenders of this medieval paedophile.

It is true that in this region, during this period in history, the notion of paedophilia didn’t exist, and that it was somewhat common to bed innocent and even reluctant children, for we may even find in the Qur’an, a prescription for a three month waiting period for the divorcing of prepubescent girls. [30] Yet, in contradiction to the propaganda spewed into the ears of Muslims, this was not the case prior to the brutal rise of Islam in countries ruled by the former religion, Zoroastrianism. According to the marriage customs of the ancient Zoroastrians, a girl was forbidden to be married prior to the age of fifteen, which is still young by our standards, but certainly not by Muhammad’s. [31]

The biggest problem with the vacuous apology offered by apologists regarding Muhammad’s paedophilia, is that although it may have been acceptable in darker and more ignorant times, it certainly isn’t now - yet the Qur’an and the Hadiths, the two primary pillars of Islam, allow and even encourage this despicable and harmful practice. Once again, I must stress that I am neither suggesting nor implying that all, nor even most, Muslims follow the Qur’an and Hadiths strictly, just as Jews and Christians don’t follow their horrendous scriptures to the letter; yet many do, and they’re crimes against children are justified by the codified core doctrines of their religion. So, if this perverted practice preserved in the “infallible word of an all-knowing deity’s book” cannot be edited, repealed or even challenged, lest charges of blasphemy or “racism” ensue, where does this leave the poor young girls who are exploited by followers of the “prophet?” Are the cases of Islamic paedophilia too few to worry about, too infrequent to make mention of, let alone present us with justification to challenge the appropriateness of such vile and inappropriate teachings? I think not. If one is to examine the heart breaking cases of child marriage in Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, a country that has only recently raised the legal marriage age to eighteen, much to the dismay of eighty-year-old men who enjoy marrying twelve-year-old girls, [32] or in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, or even Egypt, for example, one will see that these archaic teachings found in the two primary pillars of Islam are being correctly interpreted and enthusiastically applied. And here we arrive at the central problem. There are a plethora of verses within the central pillar of Islam (the Qur’an) that encourage Muslims to follow the example set by Muhammad, as well as ordering them to obey his commands. [33]