Vive Charlie Issue 3 | Page 24

Walk Like an Epileptic Wife Beating Paedophile Prophet

by Michael Sherlock. Find him on TWITTER and FACEBOOK

Disclaimer: Not all Muslim men marry children and beat their wives for the same reason that not all Jews stone disobedient children and murder people for collecting sticks on a Saturday.

If there is but a single religious figure from history that people should be discouraged from emulating, it’s the founder of the Islamic religion, Muhammad. Should you possess the stomach to read through the compendium of medieval torture pornography that is the Qur’an and the Islamic Hadiths, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Muhammad, according to his own religion’s sacred scripture, was a paedophile and a child-wife-beater.

The Hadith - The Secondary Pillar of Islam

As I will be drawing from the Hadith to make my case, I should first provide the reader with a little context. The Islamic Hadith are regarded as the secondary pillar of Islam and they purport to record the sayings and doings of Muhammad and his contemporaries. The Hadiths are graded on a scale from least reliable to most reliable (‘Sahih’). I will only be relying on the Sahih Hadiths. I should also qualify the employment of these texts, for in reality they are very unreliable, due to the fact that the earliest of these Hadith were compiled and codified, if not created in large part, in the ninth century, well after the time of the events and sayings they allege to record. [1] But not only do these texts fail the historical test of contemporaneity, but they are also afflicted with severe religious bias, infused with myth and tainted by various other historical inaccuracies and contradictions. Having said all of this, these texts are regarded as the secondary pillar to a worldwide faith, so who am I to question their integrity?

The Paedophile Prophet

According to the Sahih Bukhari:

...the Prophet married her (Aisha) when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old… [2]

Muhammad’s paedophilia is further reiterated in the Sahih Muslim, which says:

A’isha reported: “Allah’s Apostle married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old. [3]

Just to give you an idea of how psychologically immature Aisha was when she was overcome by this perverted charlatan, the Sahih Muslim reports that when she entered his house, she brought her dolls with her. [4]

But the perversion doesn’t stop there, for Muhammad’s child-bride was also his niece, the daughter of his brother, Abu Bakr. Mr Bakr wasn’t initially keen to push his prepubescent daughter into his middle-aged brother’s bed, but with some Joseph Smith-styled manipulation, Muhammad managed to acquire his young and innocent target. [5]

I can almost hear the Islamists and Western liberal defenders of Islam screaming: “But paedophilia and inbreeding were all the rage back then,” and yes, I will get to that, but before I do, let’s hear what modern psychology and neuroscience have to say about paedophilia.

Many psychologists believe that paedophilia can be the result of early childhood trauma, with numerous paedophiles reporting that they themselves had been abused as children. [6] In addition to common psychological causes highlighted by numerous studies, neuroscience has shed some very interesting light upon some of the neurological factors associated with paedophilia, light that may well illuminate the very heart of Muhammad’s paedophilia.

There is a large body of evidence linking paedophilia with abnormalities in the brain, [7] and numerous neuroscientists have noted that there is a notable correlation between temporal lobe epilepsy and paedophilia. [8] Yes, here is where I am going to suggest that Muhammad may have in fact suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy.

Last year I read an article by neurologist Dr Jerome Engel, in which he suggested that Paul of Tarsus and