Vive Charlie Issue 3 | Page 21

I’m told Moe has

been getting help from Allan because we bought up all the sex-slaves for his followers

Yes Master, Allan

is cunning and ruthless.

I used to be his apprentice

until he fired me

We will have to deal

with this Allan too

Allan is just a puppet Master, Bernard is the

brains behind Islam

Bernard? Is that the

72 ton, fire breathing monster from Muslamic hellfire?

No he’s a multi coloured

flying terrapin

My spies tell me

Moe has assembled an army of Jihadi Knights for

his crusade to enforce blasphemy laws throughout the Galaxy

Yes Master, these 5

legions of Storm Troopers

are ready for departure

to face him

We must stop the

spread of Islam at all costs. Their blasphemy laws will kill free speech and ruin my

media empire

It will be tough Master,

Islam offers great perks like

12 virgins, a permanent erection and rivers of

wine in Paradise

12 virgins,

I thought it was 9?

He keeps promising more

to gain more followers. This promise of war booty sex slaves has really swelled his numbers

What of our plans to

lure Moe to planet Hebdo with virgin slave-boy Owned Jones?

No Master, we will strike when he is amongst satirical cartoonists. They are like Muslamic Kryptonite and his powers will be weakened

Very well Master, I

will see to it personally

Jihad-e-Bay confirms

Moe has paid for him and will pick him up on Hebdo

in a week

Command the artists to

prepare Moe billboards and magazine covers. We must let him see that free speech will not be suppressed on Hebdo

Is Moe aware that

Hebdo is populated with artists armed to the teeth with pencils and paper?