Vive Charlie Issue 3 | Page 13

Why have you come to Syria infidel?

But they

are only bombing us to stop the genocide

To protest the fascist war against your people

It's a civil

war and we should not be involved

Will you submit to the will of Allah?

No, but I

will defend to the death your right to...

At least he died

with that warm fuzzy feeling of moral superiority that all progressives crave

The grim-faced health tzars denied it but I think that’s exactly what they want along with minimum pricing for alcohol and reduced availability. A report designed to soften us up by Alcohol Concern, a Government-funded charity that campaigns against alcohol, claims that children are more familiar with beer brands than with leading brands of biscuits, crisps and ice-cream. Cue more draconian limits on alcohol advertising even though teen drinking rates are falling nicely. Still, where would Alcohol Concern be if it didn’t have yet more objectives to push for more controls… however misleading the research?

It’s clear that the mirthless and miserable guardians of public health will say almost anything to achieve their goals of improving our health and thereby justify their continued existence. They seem continued existence. They seem to want to make us live longer and enjoyment-free lives so we can spend a few extra years in an expensive care home.

Well, I think it’s time we told the neo-Puritans that we’ve had enough of their nannying ways. By all means publicise information and maybe even try to persuade us that certain lifestyles are not good for us but it’s time to stop the compulsion, bullying and moralising that is beginning to make life so unpleasant. We know that smoking too much is bad for us; and we know that drinking too much alcohol may have negative effects; and we realise that eating too much can cause health problems through obesity, but we also want to be able to make our own choices or else what is the point of having free will?

Freedom of choice was one of the main reasons we fought the Cold War and resisted the miserable and drab Soviet existence of life behind the Iron Curtain. Life isn’t just about how long you live… but how well you live. Take away all elements of risk and choice and we no longer live… we merely exist.