Vive Charlie Issue 26 | Page 33

just a few as we are often told, that is the problem: credible polls regularly show that support for Sharia law is sadly very high amongst British Muslims.

However, there are many Muslims who are against Sharia, especially women, and we must do everything we can to amplify their voices. At the same time, though, the obligation isn’t simply on people to listen to these women: there is a firm obligation on these women to speak up and do much more. If they won’t speak up in the relative safety of the secular West, where Muslim populations are still relatively low and Islam has no formal state power, then there is little hope these problems will ever be solved from within the community. If Muslim women in the West won’t loudly speak up now, and in large numbers, the question of whether Islam is at all compatible with the West is an entirely legitimate one to ask.

Shazia Hobbs debut novel "The Gori's Daughter" is available on Amazon in paperback and kindle versions. Click on the image below to vist Amazon.

of somehow implying all non-Muslim men are perfect and commit no crimes. It doesn’t take long for someone to shut down discussion of thousands of rapes in Rotherham and other English towns with the words “Jimmy Savile.”

Until we can have honest discussions, involving both Muslim men and Muslim women, the elephant in the room will never be named and terrible harms will continue to take place. Young children have been brainwashed into thinking that beheading someone for insulting their religion, or killing someone for being gay or an apostate or lashing and stoning to death those that commit adultery, or daring to question Islam in any way, are reasonable responses and a way of life to aspire to. Some of these young children have maybe married and have children of their own and so another generation is being raised in hate.

The time for women to be involved in the debate of Islam has never been so important. Mothers send their children to mosques, sometimes but certainly not always, blissfully unaware of what is being taught, glad of the few hours of peace every night and for some weekend visits to mosque are a must also because of community pressure. It has been proven that mosques are a breeding ground for hatred. There is no need to link to articles and references just listen to the Pakistani women in the community who have been shouting for long enough about this abuse and still the Government allowed molvis and mullahs to enter the country and preach a version of Islam that belongs in the 7th century and helped create a society that lives in fear and hatred of each other. People are fearful of Muslims because they think they want to behead them, or blow them up and Muslims hate the non-Muslims because Muslims consider themselves superior to them and their kaffir ways.

Where as this taken us? It’s created a society in which young and old, those born Muslims and those who have converted to Islam, have left the safety and prosperity of Britain to join ISIS, a cult that is the most barbaric of Islamic terrorist organisations I have seen in my lifetime – against some stiff competition.

Muslim heritage is my identity and nothing will ever change that for me. But unfortunately it is the actions of many in my community, and not just a few as we are often told, that is the problem: credible polls regularly show that support for Sharia law is sadly very high amongst British Muslims.