Vive Charlie Issue 26 | Page 27

the fodder, the leaders knew that they had to remove the father from the home and get women in the workforce. The 'think tank', Critical Theory was formed and so began the introduction to feminism and the idea that the two sexes are merely a 'social construct'.

Schools began teaching sex education to children. Posters and other propaganda started flooding the public with images of working women. Gender neutral art was displayed. Sound familiar? These types of societal inversions continued until the nuclear family unit was broken down. The Marxist leaders were right. Once the family unit was destroyed, a full takeover of society was possible. Ultimately, the Bolsheviks took over and years of famine and misery followed.

The West is currently under attack by 3rd wave feminism. Feminists have gone full circle. While they began their fight against a patriarchy that oppressed them, they are now arguing that gender is a social construct. Feminists are fighting for women to be drafted into the military and to serve in combat positions. They have also

aligned themselves with the new protected group, transgenders. Cultural Marxism always has a group of people considered 'special' or 'protected'. These groups’ rights always supersede the rights of others no matter the consequences. One by one, Counties and States are fighting over gender neutral public bathrooms. This will give grown men the right to walk into a bathroom or locker room where women and little girls are nude or partially nude. What kind of society do we have where this is appropriate? What kind of society do we have where the most vulnerable, the women and children are put in danger of predators and perverts just to cater to an infinitesimal group of people?

Gender neutral bathrooms have nothing to do with equality, but everything to do with Marxism. We must reject it. Blurring gender lines is the last step for tyranny to accelerate as it quickly erodes our Western values. Women and children have always been protected when fighting for the homeland. If we reach a point where the majority believe that gender is a social construct, then what will the men protect? What will be worth fighting for if not for your family and your future?

Paul Joseph Watson

What Pisses Me Off About Transgender Bathrooms