Vive Charlie Issue 26 | Page 10

are Israeli or French or Brazilian. This helps to create theater for social media & better yet, to further forestall peace talks until after all Arabic Jews are not only expelled to Israel, but hopefully ‘driven into the sea’ and the State which offered them safety, destroyed thru intifada.

These campus BDS factories are anti truth, and the truth is they work very hard to silence their opponents’ points, rather than to engage in civil communication and argument that leads to actual redress, and the employment of Solutions which might actually work for the everyday people at risk. To absolute fascists, though negotiation means losing.

Only by silencing the outraged opinion of those it wishes to exterminate can any fascist narrative continue to exist, because it is a LIE whose center cannot hold in the threatening and inevitably victorious face of FACT.

Truth is: peace must be negotiated!

Fascists never negotiate – that’s how you know they are fascists!! It’s not going to happen, until pressure is brought to bear by all intelligent and moral people everywhere, who won’t tolerate war for the profit of the few at the expense of the many anymore.

First they say Jews out of Europe – go to Palestine (pre 67-Jews were the Palestinians) then they say Jews out of The Middle East-go back to Germany or Spain or Poland from whence you came, after we, the pre-EU wiped our butts with your art your savings your lives, and the lives of your children and drove you to Israel. Well, we may have lost our moral compass there for a century or so, but now, now we fancy ourselves as peacemakers who desire justice for people who swear to kill all the Jews in the middle east who don’t wish to be minorities living under Arab rule-obviously that didn’t work or those Arab States would have Jews living in them today. In order to continue to be successful scapegoat farmers, and to hold the Jews as their moral hostages, BDS racist Jew Haters and their deluded Jewish ‘best friends’ in the United States back boycotting Jews who want to live freely in the Judenrein Apartheid middle east, and not just in tiny tiny Israel. Boycott will help to isolate and disenfranchise Jews until such a time that from the river to the sea all of UN partitioned Palestine will be Jew Free. Again-u cannot possibly make this shit up folks!

The UN EU and the trust-funder led BDS Left R all crazy assed – they refuse to see what’s right in front of their faces – that Israel is a state full of millions of good people who want peace. That Israel is not a dream, but a solid reality that isn’t going anywhere. Instead of building collapsing tunnels, Hamas should cease occupying the Palestinian people’s FUNDS and get on to rebuilding a lawful structure of protection for Palestinians, instead of paying them to kill themselves and take a Jew or two with them. Talk about anti Semitism!

We want to solve the problems that we are responsible for, but that is impossible without first of all, agreeing that the larger problem is double standards. Let’s start there-and then proceed to matters of land. Without just and ethical redress of the 2000 year old use of double standards against a victim first removed from their lands and then from the earth itself over and over and over again-the arrogant and ignorant who see themselves as righteous are just blowhards, liars, and blood thirsty bigots.

These campuses, BDS factories, are anti truth, and the truth is they work very hard to silence their opponents’ points, rather than to engage in civil communication and argument that lead to actual redress, and the embrace of Solutions which might actually work for the everyday people at risk. Again, to absolute fascists, negotiation means losing.

Only by silencing the outraged opinion of those it wishes to exterminate can any fascist narrative continue to exist, because it is a LIE whose center cannot hold in the threatening and inevitably victorious face of Fact. Intelligent and moral people know that Peace between Israel and her neighbors and cousins, who are ALL targets, human shields for war profiteers, such as BDS trust-funders, is not only possible, but quite probable, with the creation of the right words at the right time, and nothing more. In the Story of Esther, we learn that Power is strung together with words, and it is words which can take it all apart. Truth and Fact are the Jewish people’s ultimate weapons against liars and revisionist erasers of our history as the indigenous people of Eretz Yisroel – so, let’s consider that we are here today, in Jerusalem together, which is PROOF that we are indeed those whom we’ve always said we were. Amen.