Vive Charlie Issue 26 | Page 29


Popular party game PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY is to be made ILLEGAL according to the latest set of fun-busting regulations set forth by the European Union.

Parents across the UK are outraged by the law change which will effectively ban all joy from childrens’ birthday parties.

‘This is another case of health and safety regulations gone mad,’ claimed father-of-two Paul Crackfield. ‘My 14 year old son loves nothing more than having his mates around for a good old fashioned game of pin the tail on the donkey, and now Europe is telling us he can’t do that? Ridiculous. The sooner we leave the EU the better.’

The regulations come into effect on August 1st. While pin the tail on the donkey is not specifically mentioned within the new law, blindfolding children and having them walk with a sharp object in their hand (the essence of the game) will be against the law.

‘We don’t understand why people are so upset by this. It just seems like common sense to us,’ said one EU decision maker who had a decidedly weak handshake.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage told us: ‘I am incandescent with rage over this latest case of the EU overstepping their jurisdiction. I played pin the tail on the donkey all the time as a child and it never did me any harm. What will they ban next? The hokey-cokey?’

Children banned from playing PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY by latest EU regulations