Vive Charlie Issue 22 | Page 3

Authorities now admit that

ISIS may have a passport printing machine and are printing fake passports exploiting the refugee crisis, flooding Europe with terrorists. In other news, shit stinks, the sky is

blue and water is wet…

Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children

Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts back to internet addresses owned by Department of Work and Pensions

Bristol students outraged at 'homeless' fancy dress theme as it's "making a mockery of serious issue"

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry: Star Wars is Racist Because Darth Vader Is a ‘Black Guy’

Owen Jones will not be able to vote in the EU Referendum, along with all other 16 and 17 year olds

‘Mass farting’ protesters silence gun activists with barrage of flatulence

Hooded Isis-supporter shouting 'It is for Daesh' stabs nursery school teacher in throat

Peer seeks ban on hot food on London Underground

There are now EIGHTY-FIVE Islamic courts dispensing 'justice' across the UK.

Extremists allowed to leave UK to ease home terror threat