Vive Charlie Issue 19 | Page 11

Owen Jones, professional man-child, was in hot water recently, after it emerged that not only had he stayed out until well past his bedtime, but that he had also supported the IRA as a youth. Jones has long campaigned to get his fellow teens the vote, and the discovery of his extremist views will not help the cause. Jones claimed that he was just a child (16) at the time, and had been wrong about many things. "I was only a kid, I really had no idea", he wailed. "It was just a popular position among my lefty friends at the time to show some support. I didn't realise how extreme it really was. Now Jeremy Corbyn looks like he might win, I can see how wrong I was. It's all gone too far".

Corbyn, when asked for comment, said, " BE SILENT, COMRADE, FOR THE PURGE IS NOT YET COMPLETE".

I militarily

support the IRA

against the

British State

My friends

at Hamas and

Hezbollah are

really going to

like you