ViV Magazine Volume 4 (April - May 2014) ViV Magazine Volume 4 (April - May 2014) | Page 13
Haiti’s Dynamic Twins
The subject of twins has always been a fascinating and
intriguing one. Although twins are two distinct human beings,
according to mythology, they are two halves of a same whole,
sharing a bond deeper than that of ordinary siblings. Many twins
claim they always have a subconscious feeling of connection,
constantly having thoughts about each other. For example, even
when they are apart and do not speak to each other for a few
days, they suddenly both ring each other exactly at the same
time or realize they had simultaneously had a headache.
They seem to live life as a team, not as individuals, feeling
as though they always have a back-up, a silent partner,
communicating with the mind without having to speak, a sort of
special telepathy. Not having to answer each other’s questions,
because they already know the answers, finishing each other’s
sentences and even feeling the other’s distress at a distance, in
case of a traumatic experience such as an accident.
Arielle and Cookie Faubert are twin sisters but not identical.
Although they definitely look like siblings and inherited
features of both their parents, Arielle looks more like Jacques,
her charismatic and friendly dad. This young businesswoman is
the owner of the renowned restaurant Papaye, located at Rue
Metellus No.48 in Petion-Ville, and a very talented chef with an
extremely pleasant personality.
Apart from tending to their homes and multiple daily activities,
these two young ladies are very devoted mothers who have
managed to properly educate their now grown children, (which
in itself is a full-time job), and be successful entrepreneurs, each
in their own specific field, which is no easy task in today’s busy
world, where time management is crucial.
When you look at Cookie, her twin, you see a younger version of
Mona, her delightful and beautiful mom. She is a very talented
and creative artist who specializes in sumptuous iron and glass