ViV Magazine Volume 4 (April - May 2014) ViV Magazine Volume 4 (April - May 2014) | Page 10
The people who surround us
influence the path of our lives...
I have had the great fortune of meeting some pretty amazing
women throughout my life. Some of them unique persons, who
have, in one way or the other, contributed to make me the woman that I am proud to be today. With their guidance and wise
advice, they all have “put a penny to feed my piggy”, have helped
me get through very tough times, and taught me to always keep
my head and my spirits high.
Since I was born, I have been surrounded by extremely talented and admirable women who have been inspirational to me in
their own special way.
But my mother has undoubtedly been the most important figure in my life. She has been my driving force, my role model,
always encouraging me to do my best at whatever I undertook,
never losing her faith in me, and applauding even my tiniest
achievements. (And she still does).
Believe me, it takes a lot of strength and entails a lot of sacrifice
to raise two girls on your own. Being a single parent is no small or
easy feat and now more than ever, I know it for a fact.
And I count my blessings every day for having such an extraordinarily wonderful grandmother who, aside from many other
things, has been and still is my unconditional best friend and my
greatest teacher, my confidante and counselor.
To these life-givers, car