Open Science and Research Project
OKFN, India
In this paper we have introduced the notion of distance between two single valued neutrosophic sets
and studied its properties. We have also defined several similarity measures between them and
investigated their characteristics. A measure of entropy of a single valued neutrosophic set has also
been introduced.
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Intrinsic Charm Parton Distribution
Functions from CTEQ-TEA Global Analysis
Sayipjamal Dulat, Tie-Jiun Hou, Jun Gao, Joey Huston, Jon Pumplin, Carl Schmidt, Daniel Stump,
C.-P. Yuan
We study the possibility of intrinsic (non-perturbative) charm in parton distribution functions (PDF)
of the proton, within the context of the CT10 next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) global analysis.
Three models for the intrinsic charm (IC) quark content are compared: (i) $\hat{c}(x) = 0$ (zero-IC
model); (ii) $\hat{c}(x)$ is parametrized by a valence-like parton distribution (BHPS model); (iii)
$\hat{c}(x)$ is parametrized by a sea-like parton distribution (SEA model). In these models, the
intrinsic charm content, $\hat{c}(x)$, is included in the charm PDF at the matching scale
$Q_c=m_c=1.3$ GeV. The best fits to data are constructed and compared. Correlations between the
value of $m_c$ and the amount of IC are also considered.
Cite as: arXiv:1309.0025 [hep-ph]
(or arXiv:1309.0025v1 [hep-ph] for this version)