Vital Link No 76 Autumn 2019 | Page 6

With Us Always By Jenny Edwards M.B.E. I have recently been reading a book where a terrible accident leaves a 15 year old lad severely burned and critically ill. A lady, visiting another gentleman, sits by the boy’s bed and talks gently to him. As she speaks and encourages him to rest, the lad dies, peacefully believing his mother had spoken to him. This is a picture of our heavenly Father as He watches over every second of our lives, always there when we need Him and always able to comfort us. I am reminded of Psalm 139 that tells us that God knows us through and through, He even knows our thoughts! Recently I was taken ill and admitted to a strange hospital while I was away on a DCF holiday. I was unwell, very uncomfortable, a long way away from home, and for a few days unable to read my Bible or pray, yet I was aware that God was with me. My friends and family travelled to visit me, for which I was so grateful. I was aware of their love, but more importantly of His love and care. I began to see that even this episode in my life was in God’s plan for me. He was thinking of me constantly, and also getting on with the healing process that is now almost complete. Psalm 139 reads (in the Passion version) “Every single moment you are thinking of me…when I awake each morning you are still with me”. Just as that young boy was comforted by what he believed to be his mother’s presence, so was I comforted by my Heavenly Father’s, and the amazing thing is, God does not go off duty when He has done the healing. No, He continues to hold you close to Him every moment of every day. What an amazing Father! In At The Deep End By Amanda Topps, Volunteer The weather was glorious for all twelve of us at the ‘Time out with God’ retreat at beautiful High Leigh in Hoddesdon. Jenny and Paula were sadly unable to lead the retreat, but it went ahead with Matt and I flung ‘in at the deep end!’ to lead. The verse for the weekend (2 Corinthians 1 verses 3-4) about comforting others with the comfort we have received from God was very apt as we shared our stories, found fellowship, and discovered creative ways of reflecting in prayer and meditation. Like previous DCF holidays, I went to serve and ended up feeling super-blessed and guided by God! We enjoyed teaching, stories and videos about Joni Eareckson Tada and Wheels for the World. Matt shared from Matthew 14 v 22-33 about Jesus calming the storm, and how He leads us into storms by divine appointment, He knows what is ahead of us and turns up just at the right time! Get in touch now to find out more about Time out with God in 2020 Our reflective times included visual journaling, listening to God using objects and exploring the Welcoming Prayer, a prayer of acceptance as we draw close to God’s presence in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life. We learned from one another and built each other up as we learnt more about God. We were also blessed to join Tim’s church, Bethany Community Church, for their Sunday morning service during their own weekend away. The fellowship, fun and hospitality were tremendous! It was a refreshing time hearing from God in beautiful surroundings and to be spurred on in our walk back home. Why not join us on one of 2020’s retreats—full details earlier in the newsletter.