Retreats and Holidays
in 2019
We heard from one new holidaymaker, Julie, who hasn’t been
on holiday for 8 years because she couldn’t get the support
she needed. Our amazing team of volunteers at Babbacombe
were able to give her a memorable break, and she told us ‘I’ve
loved all of it”.
Booking is now open for next year’s retreats and holidays!
Owing to popular demand, we’re hoping to secure a second
holiday at Center Parcs, probably in September – full details to
follow. Please be aware that places on all the breaks get filled
rapidly, so if you are interested in joining us, do get in touch as
soon as possible.
Brochures of 2019 are available now
Center Parcs (Nottingham) 4 nights 10 – 14 June £425
Treloar’s (Activity holiday – Hampshire) 5 night 29 July – 3 August £570
Brunel Manor (Coastal holiday – Devon) 7 nights 16 – 23 September £775
Refreshment week (Brunel Manor, Torquay) 4 nights 15 - 19 April £333
Time out with God (High Leigh, Hoddesden) 2 nights 23 – 25 August £200
For the holidays please contact: [email protected] and for the retreats
contact: [email protected] , or phone the office on 01372 749955 to
request an application form.
Friends old and new on our
accessible holidays
Out and About This Summer
Through the Roof had a busy summer, getting out there at
some of the conferences and festivals to make our work
known. The response has been encouraging, with many new
people signing up as Roofbreakers, or volunteering on our
overseas mission trips and holidays.
We were at the Methodist Conference at Nottingham
University. It was good to speak to so many Methodist
ministers, and to see those in charge of circuits and districts
take multiple copies of our literature to distribute among the
churches in their care. Ros was glad to be joined by Tarnia, one
of our Roofbreakers. When describing the role of a
Over the August bank holiday weekend, we were at ONE Event
Roofbreaker, Tarnia explained that she avoided phrases like
in Lincoln, talking about our work to those who visited our
“disability champion” or “disability advocate”, preferring to
stand in the Expo. Ros once again enjoyed going and joining in
explain Roofbreaking as being an accessibility champion. She
the accessible worship organised by Livability.
reasoned that we all have accessibility needs of some sort,
For the fourth year in a row, we had the privilege of being
whether or not we class ourselves as having a disability or
invited to UCCF Forum, to talk to this year’s university CU
additional needs. It may be a natural introversion, or being
leaders about the mission field on their doorstep in the
unfamiliar with church practice, and we need to be aware of all
presence of 280,000 disabled students in our UK universities. It of these needs in our work.
was great to see the enthusiasm and commitment of the
If you’re a Roofbreaker, and you’d like to be part of our future
students who attended this session, and to hear them
conference, exhibitions, or speaking work, please do get in
expressing God’s heart for seeing everyone included and
touch. We’d love to have you along.
accepted as equals in the Kingdom of God.