Vital Link no. 69 - Summer 2017 | 页面 7

A Different Perspective By Shaun Burrows, International Missions Manager I heard of a man who visited a refugee camp somewhere in Sudan. While he was walking along the banks of a nearby river, he heard the cry of a newborn in the reeds. As he approached the baby he noticed it was physically disabled and gasping for air. He picked the baby up, carried it out and tried to resuscitate it. The mother, who had been working in a nearby field rushed to them. Instead of getting down and attempting to assist the man, she shouted to him to put the baby back near the river. “It was meant to die", she shouted. The man’s view was that the baby was meant to live. Both people had completely different world views. The baby was taken to a hospital and later adopted. The mother's view was that it was the baby’s destiny to die because it was the will of the ancestors. The man however, saw the baby from a different perspective - God’s perspective. In polytheistic cultures disabled people are seen to be in that state because of their past lives, and suffering in this life will alleviate their suffering in the next life. But in many animistic cultures, present in many African countries, when a child is born disabled it is often seen as punishment from their ancestors. The belief is that parents should not interfere with ‘the fate’ of the baby. Our last visit to Mozambique reached many churches and community leaders Our Churches Inc. program is aimed at alleviating the barriers (physical, cultural, ethnic, and spiritual) to the inclusion of disabled people in developing countries. We would like to reach the church leaders as we believe that they are the key to addressing these and other barriers. As part of that, we’re now introducing Leaders’ Events to assist pastors and church leaders and introduce them to God’s perspective of disabled people. Our first Leaders’ Event will be in Maputo Mozambique from the 30th of July to the 9th of August. We are planning one in Tanzania from the 7th to the 17th of February next year. If you’re a teacher or pastor, and feel called to join the team, please contact me on [email protected]. Conference on Catch-Up Through the Roof played a key role in organising the Churches for All Network’s No Limits conference last year, and now you can catch-up on the teaching sessions you missed. A video featuring highlights of the day, along with the audio recordings and transcripts of all the presenters are now available for you to view, listen, and read at (have a look in the ‘Enabling Church’ section). You’ll be blessed with insights and ideas from inspiring speakers and All the talks from the 2016 conference are available now leaders from nationally-known Christian organisations such as Urban Saints, Care for the Family, and Messy Church as well as church leaders, Malcolm Duncan, Zoe Heming, and experts in their field like Lynn McCann and Cris Gangemi. Catch up on the content and start a conversation with others about it on our Facebook page –