Vital Link 91 November 2024 | Page 4

“ Jesus entered the world , became fully human .”

The greatest story ever told ...

Rev Trevor Hahn , Chair of Trustees , considers God ’ s great story .
Ultimately the Bible is a story . A story of God and His relationship with humanity , with us . How out of love He created the universe , creating planet earth , a paradise for us to live in , in communion with Him , and how we rejected God , choosing what pleased us rather than obedience to our loving Father .
It is the story of how God chose Abraham and his descendants to be His people , how He blessed them , called them to be a blessing to the whole world , and showed them how to live through the law , the prophets , and ultimately through His Son , Jesus .
It is the story of how Jesus entered the world , became fully human , lived a perfect life , and died on the cross to save us from our sins , ‘ for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son , that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life .’ John 3:16 .
As a result , to all those who believe in who Jesus is and what He has done , have been forgiven , the price of our sin and disobedience has been paid , and we have received the right to become children of God , heirs of the Kingdom , reconciled back to God , sanctified . We have received the gift of His Holy Spirit , a foretaste of what is to come , the power to live lives of obedience , as disciples , as followers , so the light of Christ may shine so brightly others would join us in following .
Jesus told the story through His life and memorable stories , telling parables of the sower , the lost sheep , the lost son ( or loving Father ), the mustard seed and so many more to illustrate what God is like , revealing His love for us .
And now , it is our turn , we too can share the stories from the Bible , but we have our own unique story to tell of how God first chose us , and lovingly knocked on the door of our hearts , and the blessing and joy it is to have Jesus in our lives .
Will you sing with me ?
I will sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me How He left the realms of glory For the cross of Calvary
I was lost , but Jesus found me Found the sheep that went astray Raised me up and gently led me Back into the narrow way
Francis H . Rowley
Vital Link Winter 2024 | www . throughtheroof . org