Hungry for God
Rev Trevor Hahn , our Chair of Trustees , reflects on our appetite for serving God .
Whenever I have travelled abroad on behalf of Through the Roof , usually a Churches Inc . or a Roofbreaker trip as they are now known , I have discovered the hunger , the desire , the need for God in the people I have met . Be it in Kenya , Rwanda , or Ukraine , where I have visited in recent years , people are attentive to the words spoken , to the Bible , and to God and His Spirit .
As I have been preaching recently , there seems to be an emphasis on people who are hungry for God , desperate for God , who go out of their way , and push past obstacles and break down barriers to get to God , to receive from Him . I have recently preached on Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch ( Acts 8 : 26-30 ) where Philip talked to the Ethiopian about Jesus and the Ethiopian saw some water and challenged Philip : ‘ Here is some water , what is to stop me getting baptised ?’ I have also recently preached on the Gentile Pentecost where Peter is invited to the house of Cornelius , a Gentile , a home he is forbidden to enter – a group of people he is forbidden to associate with as a devout Jew – yet God moved powerfully among them and they received the Holy Spirit and were baptised . And of course there is the bible story , from which Through the Roof takes its name , where friends of a paralysed man ripped apart a stranger ’ s roof to lower him down in front of Jesus whilst He was preaching .
The recent Roofbreaker trip to Uganda highlighted the hunger of the people for Jesus where even Muslims were hungry to receive the word of God and asked for bibles to take away because their religious leaders , their Imams , brought them to Jesus .
There is a scripture : ‘ The Kingdom of God is advancing and forceful men ( and women ) lay hold of it .’ ( Matthew 11:12 ) Perhaps this scripture is saying God ’ s Kingdom is available
Hungry for God ? Worship on the International Roofbreaker mission in Jinja , Uganda .
Trevor Hahn leading worship on a mission in Rwanda .
People gather in Jinja , Uganda , to hear about disability inclusion .
to all , and those who are desperate , those who are hungry for God , will come into the Kingdom of Heaven and be saved .
Are we hungry for God ? Are we desperate for His Word , His presence , His power , His justice in our lives ? The bible says those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled . Are we hungry , desperate , to bring people to God ? Hungry like those Muslim Imams in Uganda , like Peter breaking the law to bring the good news to Cornelius , like Philip baptizing the Ethiopian , like the friends ripping open the stranger ’ s roof ? How far are we willing to go to bring people into the presence , love and blessing of God ?
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