Vital Link 89 Spring 2024 | Page 2

Katie ' s ABC journey

Contact Details
Through the Roof , Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ
Phone : 01372 749955
Email : info @ throughtheroof . org
Web : www . throughtheroof . org
Katie , our Roofbreaker Team Leader , is a great example of the ABC journey in action .
“ I am a Christian and wheelchair user . I have been blessed to encounter Jesus and be part of an active church and Christian community . I have also known times where I have felt isolated and on the edge of community , being very conscious of barriers that exist , both physically and in terms of the different attitudes towards disability within church . From the point where I came to know Jesus , God spoke to me through Psalm 139 which talks about how we are fearfully and wonderfully made . God not only knows and loves us completely but has a unique and specific plan for each one of us .
This has been transformational for me . I am on a journey with God to live out his plan for my life . I started out as a volunteer for TTR and went on a mission trip to Tanzania . Now
Hear more of Katie Mobbs ' journey online in her recent interview for the Church Times .
I ’ m a full-time TTR staff member , with the privilege of enabling more people to access the Gospel and to experience the depth of belonging that comes from knowing God and being known by others in Christian community .
Over the last few years , I have been drawn back to Jesus ’ instruction to the disciples in Matthew 28:19 ( The Great Commission ): “ Therefore , go and make disciples of all nations .”
Jesus calls all people with and without disability to be part of his mission . I am so excited about the ABC journey because I believe that it is a pathway for more disabled people to be released for mission , sharing their gifts and skills to the glory of God . The ABC acronym is easy to remember , so it reminds us of God ’ s ‘ Great Commission ’. It represents an invitation for each and everyone of us – it is the Gospel in action .”

Aidan and Jadon ' s stories

Our Vision
‘… is all people enjoying life together , mutually giving and receiving , as God intended ’
Our Mission
'… is transforming lives through Jesus with disabled people ’
Through the Roof Charitable Trust Ltd is a UK Registered Company number 04201510 with offices at Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ . It is also a Registered Charity Number 1087788 .
Quotes are sometimes edited for clarity and length .
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St Julians Baptist Church in Newport South Wales is on the ABC journey . Here , they share the stories of Aidan and Jaydon and how they have accessed church , found belonging in the community and are using their gifts to glorify God .
Aidan Black
Aidan is 28 years old and is autistic . When Aidan joined the church age 10 , he had severe global development delay ; St Julians provided extra support for him in Sunday School , and they have several people in the church who work with children or adults with special needs . Aidan shares , “ I like taking part in services . Sometimes I do a reading … or lead in saying the grace or help serve communion . I was baptised in the church and became a church member . I like communion and going to our worship evenings .”
Jadon Greveson
Jadon is 19 years old and has developmental delay and autism . Jadon joined the church with his parents and is an active member of the church . He loves to welcome people and enjoys conversation although his language skills are very limited . Jadon has a gift for giving " timely hugs " and is a great encourager to everyone in our family . Jadon can say the last word of each sentence of the Lord ’ s Prayer which is really amazing to hear . Jadon will often contribute to the meeting with a " Yes ", " Amen " and sometimes " Hallelujah ". www . throughtheroof . org