Thank you , anonymous donors
Together @ Home
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new online group ( via Zoom ), called Together @ Home . We ’ re blessed to have two wonderful volunteers , Anne and Alex Paton , with their own experience of living with disability , who feel that God is calling them to reach out to provide online support for people , offering them opportunity to come together online and share a time of fellowship and prayer .
If you would like to come together with others to share a time of fellowship , you would be very welcome to join Together @ Home . The group will be meeting on the first and third Thursday afternoons of each month via Zoom .
One of the particular benefits of meeting online is that it enables Christian fellowship to be accessible to people wherever they live and including people who aren ’ t able to leave the house . Please spread the news and invite anyone you think would benefit .
Full details and the Zoom link are available from Through the Roof via : together @ throughtheroof . org or 01372 749955 .
Pastors Anne and Alex have counselling skills and experience of living with disability .
On the air on UCB radio
We have been blessed three times in recent months with coverage of Through the Roof ( TTR ) on UCB radio ( Universal Christian Broadcasters ).
First Katie Mobbs was invited for an interview to give a reaction to the UK government launching its Disability Action Plan 2023-24 consultation , which has now closed . We were able to say how important it is for disabled people ’ s voices to be heard – both in society generally and in the church .
UCB also interviewed Triona Brading who produced the fantastic new video for us about Supporting autistic individuals in our churches . Triona reflected on her own experience as an autistic person in church . In the UCB radio interview , Triona shared her hope that “ In years to come , churches could be known as somewhere really safe and welcoming to autistic people and people of all neurologies .” There is more on Triona ’ s new video series elsewhere in this issue .
Finally , we were invited to feature prayers about disability inclusion on the UCB1 show Talking Point , to be shared during their lunchtime Hour of Prayer . We were able to ask five disabled people from around the UK to write and record short prayers to be played on the show . One prayer was aired on UCB1 each day for five days in the lead up to 17th September Disability Awareness Sunday . You can read some of the prayers in the Disability Awareness Sunday article , also in this issue .
Thank you , anonymous donors
Thank you to everyone who gives anonymously to the work of Through the Roof . Without an address , we ’ re often unable to thank those donors directly , but we appreciate every gift !
If you ’ re expecting a response to a donation and haven ’ t had one , please get in touch so we can join up all the information and properly acknowledge your gift . If you ’ d like to financially support Through the Roof ( anonymously or otherwise ) please visit our website at www . throughtheroof . org for a donate link or contact the office on 01372 749955 . www . throughtheroof . org