Vital Link 88 Winter 2023 | Página 2

" You have saved many people "

Contact Details
Through the Roof , Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ
Phone : 01372 749955
Email : info @ throughtheroof . org
Web : www . throughtheroof . org
Our Vision
‘… is all people enjoying life together , mutually giving and receiving , as God intended ’
Our Mission
'… is transforming lives through Jesus with disabled people ’
Through the Roof Charitable Trust Ltd is a UK Registered Company number 04201510 with offices at Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ . It is also a Registered Charity Number 1087788 .
Quotes are sometimes edited for clarity and length .
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“ I wish you could see the value of how much you have assisted our people ”, said Pastor Davis , Kenyan church leader and partner of Through the Roof ( TTR ), to the gathered group of staff , volunteers and supporters . Speaking during a rare visit to the UK , he thanked all those who enable our Wheels for the World wheelchair distributions to happen in his home town of Elburgon , in rural Kenya . “ Those with wheelchairs could escape the violence ,” he explained ( referring to tribal raids on nearby villages ). “ You have saved many people . We have found people who are hopeless and we give hope . We are anchors of hope . My vision is the vision of TTR . We give God all the glory !”
This is such an important reminder of how much difference a wheelchair and a Bible can make in a culture that is so different to the UK . In a country with only 13 doctors for every 100,000 people , being disabled usually means you are permanently stuck at home , hidden away because of shame and lack of opportunities . Others are forced to beg , unable to find employment . So many people need a wheelchair to give them mobility , freedom and access to school , work , friends and community . Sadly , most can never afford to buy one .
Pastor Davis leads the Abundant Hope of Glory Church . His UK visit included a few days with one of our Trustees , preaching and teaching at Dovercourt church , Essex , as well as time in fellowship , prayer and fasting . During his presentation to TTR , he told us , “ I have become a missionary in Africa to disabled people ”. Not only does he and his church partner with us to give the gospel and wheelchairs to disabled people , he also
continued from page 1 inventiveness in adapting wheelchairs as the days went on .
Our last day was very emotional as we still had many people who came hoping for our help and we had precious little left to offer , but no one was turned away . Then at the end of the last day , the full team joined together to pray , to give thanks and to share gifts – and cake ! We had to say goodbye to our wonderful new colleagues . I am so , so honoured to have been on that trip . It was a blessing to see every person who arrived , often with anxiety on their face , and then left with a smile , a Bible , a prayer and a photo !
Pastor Davis and his wife Ruth , speaking during their visit to the UK .
gives food parcels , offers skills training , and provides medical check-ups and counselling . His nickname in the local community is the ‘ Pastor of Disabled People ’. A natural evangelist , he asks people , ‘ Will you accept the Lord Jesus ?” His very next question is , “ Will you go to the villages and bring out those who are disabled ?”
Davis and his church recently hosted a wheelchair distribution , which you can read more about elsewhere in this newsletter . He is also passing on the message of Through the Roof by raising up others in East Africa to become Roofbreaker disability champions in their own communities .
Ai Lian Lim , a UK volunteer , enjoying the sunset over fields in Elburgon . www . throughtheroof . org