Vital Link 87 SUMMER 2023 | Page 4

Developing good taste

By Dr Mike Townsend , Chair of Trustees
Through the Roof ' s latest online event was about our senses . Naomi Graham of Growing Hope helped us pay more attention to our sensory perceptions . There ' s more to sensory awareness than I had thought .
In addition to the regular ‘ five senses ’, Naomi introduced three additional sensory channels : balance , body awareness , and internal sense . Please look at our online version of the event for a deeper understanding .
I have recently become all too aware of one of the five traditional senses – ‘ taste ’. I am just back from a Danube river cruise . The food was top rate . My scales tell the tale !
My one-year-old grandson , Joah , was born with only half a heart ( hypo-plastic left heart syndrome ). Since Joah ' s second major operation , he has started to try to walk . But one thing that he has never done is eat . He is tube fed through his nose .
Experts tell us that one way to encourage Joah to eat is for him to be at the table with us . Joah can then see what we are all doing – eating and enjoying .
I long for the time when Joah gets to enjoy taste as much as his granddad !
This year , a lot of Christians are re-focusing on ways in which we can grow spiritually and build stronger relationships with God .
In my church , we talk about developing Christian habits . They are often called Christian disciplines which makes them appear rather onerous . Reading the Bible is one of these habits .
I am halfway through reading the whole Bible this year . This phrase has just jumped out at me : " Taste and see that the LORD is good ;" ( Psalm 34:8 ). Some of the habits can be rather hard to get into . Going through all those numbers , names , and tragic kings can seem tedious .
But meeting God in my daily Bible readings is getting to be quite compulsive — even blessed . Taste can be very enjoyable . I am also having a go at other Christian habits through reading ‘ The Celebration of Discipline ’ by Richard Foster .
Disciplines are tough . But once we start to embed them into our lives and ‘ taste ’ the goodness of God through them , we get to enjoy that stronger relationship with Jesus .
As Peter says , " Like newborn babies , crave pure spiritual milk , so that by it you may grow up in your salvation , now that you have tasted that the Lord is good ." ( 1 Peter 2:2-3 .)
What Christian habits are you ‘ tasting ’ at the moment ?
Oh , and please pray for little Joah that he will get a taste for eating .
Celebrations for Joah ' s first birthday

Thank you to our anonymous donors

Thank you to everyone who gives anonymously to the work of Through the Roof . Without an address , we ’ re often unable to thank those donors directly , but we appreciate every gift !
If you ’ re expecting a response to a donation and haven ’ t had one , please get in touch so we can join up all the information and properly acknowledge your gift .
If you ’ d like to financially support Through the Roof ( anonymously or otherwise ) please visit www . throughtheroof . org for a donate link or contact the office on 01372 749955 . www . throughtheroof . org