Vital Link 85 Winter 2022 | Page 4

Coming home

By Dr Mike Townsend , Chair of Trustees
Celebrating belonging at our 25th anniversary
Celebrating 25 years of Through the Roof has taken me back to the event described in Mark 2:1-12 that gives us our name . “ When Jesus returned to Capernaum after some days , it was reported that he was at HOME . So many gathered around that there was no longer room for them , not even in front of the door ; and he was speaking the word to them . Then some people came , bringing to him a paralysed man , carried by four of them . And when they could not bring him to Jesus because of the crowd , they removed the roof above him ; and after having dug through it , they let down the mat on which the paralysed man lay .” The paralysed man needed to get to Jesus ! Those four , carrying his mat , were not deterred by the crowd blocking the door . They were determined that the disabled man would meet Jesus . No door ? Then up and ‘ Through the Roof ’ it is ! Disabled people need the same as EVERYONE : “ When Jesus saw their faith , he said to the paralysed man , `Son , your sins are forgiven .’” Well , that wasn ’ t what they expected . There were major physical barriers getting into Jesus ’ Capernaum home that day . There are enormous barriers blocking our way to get to God . “ Sin !” Not a popular word today . God is perfect . “ Sin ” is the barrier of our failures that separates us from God . What is your home like ? At Her Majesty ’ s funeral , Liz Truss read Jesus ’ words , “ In my father ’ s house are many mansions ”. The Queen , although she had her own “ many mansions ”, was not hoping for eternal physical splendour . The Greek translates more readily as “ home ”. Jesus promises that we will be “ at home ” with him . This is what I think we are about in Through the Roof – making it possible for disabled people to be “ at home ” with Jesus . Our mission is to break down physical , mental and spiritual barriers . Our celebration at Ashtead demonstrated this . I think everyone felt they belonged . We work hard to make access better on the ground . Attitudes are a challenge – look at the scribes in Jesus ’ home . A top priority is removing the barriers to give disabled people a spiritual way to Jesus . “ `I say to you , stand up , take your mat and go to your home .’ And he stood up , and immediately took the mat and went out before all of them ; so that they were all amazed and glorified God .” Be amazed and celebrate ! www . throughtheroof . org