Vital Link 84 Summer 2022 | Page 4

Learning Through Experience

By Dr Mike Townsend , Chair of Trustees
Does church work for disabled people ? How can we help churches engage more ? At one of our online Roofbreaker events , Rev Jonathan Edwards engaged with these issues . I know from experience the many demands for attention leaders receive . They all seem to be “ top priority ”. Which ones do we run with ? Jonathan recalled the time he really got the message about disability . He gave personal support at a residential event for his much loved and respected disabled church youth leader . Personal experience changed him and shaped his priorities for his whole life . During Lent , I gave some talks on Lazarus and his death ( John 11 ). Lazarus ’ sisters told Jesus that Lazarus was seriously ill . Have you ever wondered why Jesus waited two days before going to Lazarus at Bethany ? I think Jesus wanted his disciples , like Jonathan , to learn by personal experience . “ He told them plainly , Lazarus is dead , and for your sake I am glad I was not there , so that you may believe . But let us go to him .” There are hard lessons in learning by experience ! Jesus ’ tears are evidence of “ how hard ”. God cares . Jesus tells us not to worry but trust . “ Look at the birds , and see how beautiful the flowers are .” ( Matthew 6 ). As I write , the sparrows are chirping in the hedges ! As we experience trusting Jesus , our faith grows . I have experienced amazing miracles . But God only sometimes gives us these . Lazarus walked out of his tomb ! But he is dead now . My family is doing some learning at the moment . My latest grandson arrived at Easter . Joah was born with only half a

Our Anonymous Friends

Thank you to everyone who gives anonymously to the work of Through the Roof . Without an address , we ’ re often unable to thank those donors directly , but we appreciate every gift ! If you ’ re expecting a response to a donation and haven ’ t had one , please get in touch so we can connect all the information and properly acknowledge your gift . If you ’ d like to financially support Through the Roof ( anonymously or otherwise ) please visit www . throughtheroof . org for a donate link , or contact the office on 01372 749955 .
www . throughtheroof . org
Mike with his new grandson , Joah
heart . He has already survived three eleven-hour operations . They say it will be a “ roller coaster ” life . Thankfully there are more ups than downs right now . As we learn through trusting Jesus , Isaiah ’ s words can build our confidence : “ Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength . They will soar on wings like eagles ; they will run and not grow weary , they will walk and not be faint ( Isaiah 40 31 ). We need to think of ways to encourage our church leaders to “ walk ” or even to “ run ” through meaningful experiences of disability and enable church to work with disabled people .

Thank You Richard

Long-time supporter , Richard Polley , is retiring from speaking about Wheels for the World . Richard said that the Lord gave him the gift of the gab and he wanted to use it to talk to others about the work we do – raising thousands of pounds in the process . People will miss his popular presentations , but thank you for all you ’ ve done over the past twenty-two years , Richard .
www . throughtheroof . org