Vital Link 80 Spring 2021

The Newsletter for Through the Roof

vital link

The Newsletter for Through the Roof
Remote Retreat

“ Today God Has Answered My Prayers ”

Life-Transforming Disability Inclusion
Sharing Skills
Help Us Spread The Message
Wheels for the World ’ s first Supported Distribution in Uganda , 2021 , by Dave Camp , team member .
“ I thank God that He kept me alive until today ,” said James , a 58 year man in the Bidi Bidi refugee camp in Uganda , ” since July 2016 I suffered without a wheelchair . But today , God has answered my prayers through you , Hope Health Action and Through the Roof . I was a burden to my children , relatives , and neighbours whenever I wanted to travel to hospital , church , social gatherings , or visiting . But now I really appreciate your help and support towards my life . May God bless you abundantly , continue praying for us in the Camp and also supporting us .”
In our previous visit to Bidi Bidi in 2019 , we were humbled by the stories that we heard . This time was no different , as we heard from people like James . His disability was caused by robbers in South Sudan who cut his leg , head and hands . They left him unconscious , and in the morning he was taken to hospital where his right leg was amputated below the knee . His wife divorced him due to his disability . We were told that God blessed them with 6 children before the divorce . He said he has struggled with life since then , but that the gift of a wheelchair would make a huge difference for him .
This is just one of the many stories that we have heard . We were also encouraged to hear
No : No 60 : Summer 80 SPRING 2014 2021
that 9 people gave their lives to Jesus in just the first two days of the distribution .
“ We were also encouraged to hear that 9 people gave their lives to Jesus in just the first two days of the distribution .”
Through the Roof ’ s first Supported Distribution of 135 wheelchairs and other walking aids ran each Monday and Tuesday from 1st February to the 16th March . Like our normal distributions , this was planned carefully with therapists and techies , providing support to the partner organisation , Hope Health Action ( HHA ) in the vast Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp in the northwest of Uganda . The UK team was led by Jill Jenkinson , with Lynne Mosher as deputy , and had met with HHA staff on a zoom call before the start . For some of us it was good to see our Ugandan partners again after first meeting them on the 2019 trip . However , because of Covid-19 , this distribution was to be very different from that one .
We were pleased to hear that several of the team had been on a World Health Organisation wheelchair programme to develop their skills as they would take the lead in the distribution and call us for assistance . They had already carried out assessments on the people who were to be given wheelchairs and aids .
( Continued on page 2 ) www . throughtheroof . org