Introducing our Network for Rural Churches
Rural churches have their own specific challenges for disabled people . We ’ re thrilled to be able to respond to this through our new Network for Roofbreakers in rural churches – led by Lynda Herbert , a Roofbreaker who knows the challenges herself . Here ’ s Lynda ’ s introduction …
It ’ s wonderful to get the opportunity to write to likeminded folk . I ’ ve been disabled 25 years and it ’ s only been in recent years that I ’ ve managed to contact others in a similar situation . That is why I ’ m absolutely delighted to join Through the Roof , as it ’ s an organisation centred on including everyone .
I ’ m married to Simon and we have two sons , two dogs , a goldfish , and a hedgehog called Spiky Norman , who terrorises the dogs when they go out late at night , and I ’ m quite convinced he ’ d pop my tyres if he had half a chance , he ’ s quite a formidable character .
My faith life is a little more complicated . I ’ ve been in ministry 8yrs , and serve in two multi parish benefices . Before Covid I would take several services a week , across a range of churches . My Sundays are very interesting — the challenge isn ’ t in the sermon I ’ m going to preach , but whether I can get into the church to preach it !
“ Not being included , and feeling left out , has been the hardest part of being disabled ”
Not being included , and feeling left out , has been the hardest part of being disabled , and the thing I ’ ve struggled with most . It rivals dealing with chronic pain — In fact , I would class exclusion as a form of chronic pain !
As disabled folk we face many challenges , some of which we can readily overcome and some we must find ways around . Our rural churches offer unique difficulties ;
access , funding , small congregations , and potential closures , to name a few . I ’ m excited that together we can do something about this , look at the problems , and if we can ’ t find solutions , try and find ways to navigate around the physical and attitudinal obstacles we face .
“ I would class exclusion as a form of chronic pain !”
It ’ s been months since I was last in church , as Covid 19 has meant all previous activities have temporarily ceased , and like many others , my ministry has had to move online . Now as we prepare to head back to our churches , it ’ s time to regroup , to plan , and create the inclusive future we want .
If you are in a rural church and want to connect with others who face similar challenges , do get in touch with us and we ’ ll connect you to Lynda and the Network .
Contact us to join the Rural Churches Network
Magnifying The Message
You might have already heard the good news that we are developing a stronger relationship with students who share the vision of inclusive Church and Christian ministries . It is a pleasure to be invited to speak as part of Just Love ’ s mini-series ( www . justloveuk . com ) on Zoom this winter . Just Love have a vision to inspire and release every Christian student to pursue the biblical call to social justice . The aim of the events is to help equip students to pursue justice for disadvantaged groups within
www . throughtheroof . org local churches . It will be a fantastic opportunity to share Roofbreaker stories and how important inclusion is . Please pray for Fiona as she speaks .