Visual Impact Muscle Building PDF / eBook Workout Free Download Rusty Moore | Page 9

I won’t insult your intelligence and tell you that you would be “crazy” not to order…or anything cheesy like that…but I do believe this blows away what you will learn from the typical personal trainer. My goal is to educate you and teach you what it takes to get the lean “Hollywood Look” …how to tweak your routine if your muscles look too soft, flat, too small, etc. To empower you to become the expert at this. I want you to become the “go-to” guy in your gym when other guys want to achieve this look as well. Just a Sample of the Many Topics I Cover in this Course… How to build density in your abs instead of adding size to this area…getting those deep etched abs that are visible 24 hours per day (not just with good lighting). A detailed explanation of what a mass building set “feels” like. This way you can be sure that each set actually builds the muscle instead of just making you sore. Why simply training heavy and using “progressive resistance” doesn’t guarantee that you will add muscle mass. Here is what does… Why lifting heavy is better for tone and lifting light is better for mass. Almost everyone gets this switched around…get this right and you will be able to create the perfect look.