Visual Contenting April 2016 | Page 40

EXPERT TIPS FOR CREATING ADDIC 02 JEFF BULLAS CEO of 'QLɈI\SSHZ Jeff Bullas’ standard format for his blog posts entails opening with a captivating story to hook the reader’s attention, followed by a list of useful steps and tips to get them ahead in the content marketing game. Actionable steps and tips offer readers something useful that they can then apply to their own content marketing efforts. top strategy at “Our is to create 1000+ word blog posts that add value to our readers. “Our top strategy at is to create 1000+ word blog posts that add value to our readers. What we are really wanting to do is then become such a great resource that we get inbound links from other websites and blogs. This then leads to optimizing for SEO.” BACK TO CONTENTS PAGE JEFF