Dear Loyal Readers,
Vista, the St. Ignatius Literary Magazine, sets out with one goal in mind: to display the creative
and original works of St. Ignatius students to our community and beyond. The artistic and literary works of Ignatius students bring something new to the table. The student’s clever and creative
talents allow expression not only unique to themselves but as a part of this institution.
Vista would like to formally introduce a new gallery into the issue, the Arrupe Writing Contest.
The Arrupe Writing Contest is a semiannual writing contest that was initiated in the spring of
2013 through the collaboration between the Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership and Vista. The
Arrupe Writing Contest Gallery includes the first and second place works from the categories of
Poetry, Drawing, and Short Stories. The success of the first contest is thanks to the true enthusiasm
the young people of Arrupe have for the arts and their developing talents as well. I can speak on
behalf of Vista for how proud Vista is and how heart warming it was to see the young members invest their time in something that perhaps other kids their age would not even bat an eye at. Again,
we thank you for your contributions and look forward the contests in the future.
Vista is a very unique literary magazine that requires effort, cohesion, enthusiasm, and dedication in order to be produced. Vista members include Gordon Kilarsky ’15; Alastair Pearson ’14;
Bradford Horton ’15; Gennaro Olivo ’15; Ben Lew ’14; Tim Domzalski ’14; Bernard Cool ’13,
Assistant Editor of Literature; Nick Labate ’13, Assistant Editor of Drawing and Photogra1