Trace the life and
death of Gothic poet
Edgar Allan Poe
or explore some of
Baltimore’s eeriest
books and original letters.) To round out
your Poe tour, swing by Westminster
Hall & Burying Ground (519 W. Fayette
St.). In 1849, Poe was found wandering
the streets of Baltimore, delirious and,
mysteriously, wearing clothes that
didn’t belong to him. He died a few days
later and his body rests in this historic
cemetery alongside his young wife
Westminster Hall
& Burying Ground
Virginia and her mother Maria Clemm.
On Halloween, come for a reading of
Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” and a chance
to visit the catacombs.
I Interested in the macabre writing
of Edgar Allan Poe? Tour the Edgar
Head to Baltimore.org
for more Poe must-visits!
Allan Poe House and Museum (203 N.
Amity St.), set in the five-room brick
home where the author lived from
1832 until 1835. Poe wrote some of his
earliest short stories in this home, and
it now explores his life in Baltimore.
Afterwards, go to the Enoch Pratt Free
Library’s Central Library branch (400
Cathedral St.) to check out its collection
of Poe artifacts, including rare books,
manuscripts, original letters, images
and illustrated editions—not to mention
a lock of his hair and a piece of his
B A LT I M O R E . O R G
Take an afternoon to tour some of
Baltimore’s most haunted sites. First
on the list: Fort McHenry National
Monument and Historic Shrine (2400
E. Fort Ave.), where workers and visitors
alike have reported mysterious shadows,
the scent of gunpowder or the sound
of drums in the distance. Some have
claimed to see a ghostly guard with a rifle,
monitoring the outer battery at the fort.
At the Inner Harbor, tour the historic
coffin. (The George Peabody Library, U.S.S. Constellation, built in 1855 for the
in Mount Vernon, also boasts rare Poe U.S. Navy and now holding court as the