Visiting Spain in May 2019 Visiting Spain May 2019 | Page 6

Students were asked to imagine that they were in a hotel and they had to prepare their own breakfasts choosing different ingredients from our “help-yourself counter”. Once they chose the flashcards and pasted them on the tray, in small groups, they discussed what they had for breakfast and what a typical healthy breakfast was like. They found out different meal-time habits and ingredients that were until then unknown for them. This activity was a great opportunity to get to know each other and to use English as a means of communication. Group: 4ºA Activity: Bingo On Monday, May 13, some students and teachers from the Erasmus + Project visited 4A class. We played bingo. It is a fun game of chance that anyone can play. The game is played on a scorecard that's made up of 25 squares — if you get 5 squares in a row, you win! The topic for the bingo was food. They could speak in English and have a good time together. Group 4B We are 4B pupils and we have been working about your countries. We worked in groups in order to look for information about different points. We prepared several questions and answers about these topics. Our teacher selected some of them and we played a competition in class. We learnt the Three White Roses legend from Czech Republic. We did some exercises in Maths about the gas prices in these three countries. We studied decimal numbers using temperatures en Poland, Bulgaria and Czech Republic. We simulated shopping in a supermarket in Poland and we studied the prices. We read the Wroclan City Legend where the Dwarves reign. We learned about different currencies like lev, zloty and Czech crown according to the euro. We read about Marie Curie and her life, too. We read about the Bulgarian Legend: The Sun and the Hedgehog. We studied the time using flight schedules from Madrid to Prague, We made a trip project from Prague to Krakov; of course families and internet helped us too. We know the Bulgarian tradition about Baba Marta. We calculated distances between different places in Poland and we also solved problems about the height of Walter’s Tower in Prague. We investigated about traditional recipes and typical costumes and we also made some posters about Warsaw, Prague and Sofia. In a few days we’ll calculate arithmetic average of temperatures in those three capitals. Group: 4C Activity: Fruit salad On Monday, May 13, some students and teachers from different schools of the Erasmus + Project visited our class. We went to the playground to play "Fruit salad". To play, start by forming a circle of hoops, one fewer than there are people. Loosely speaking, the game proceeds like this: 1. The person without a hoop stands in the centre. 2. In the simplest form of the game, each person is assigned a fruit name: apple, orange, pear, banana, etc. 3. The player in the middle calls out the name of one of the chosen fruits, and each person assigned to that fruit jumps up and rushes around like a headless chicken trying to find an empty hoop to sit in. Meanwhile, the player in the middle does the same, hoping to leave someone else standing without a hoop to sit in.